Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tyler's "Truck"

Tyler turned 16 last October and has completed Drivers Ed. He was suppose to get his license last month but we have been putting it off. Travis found this truck for Tyler and we've been looking at it for about a week. Last night me and Troy went and picked it up and surprised Tyler. He thought that he wasn't going to get it for a week so when Troy pulled into the garage last night he had the biggest smile on his face. Troy, Tyler and Colby & Hanna waxed and cleaned it up and it looks really nice. Tyler and Colby were outside until 11:00 last night, I couldn't get them to come in. (Now the hard part comes - Tyler - PAYMENTS!!!! Fun Stuff)


Troy, Tyler, Colby, & Hanna

Troy jumping

Tyler trying to be like dad

Colby trying to be like his dad (Mom does not like this picture, he is jumping way to high) Colby thinks this is the best picture and he says it with a smile. I think Colby has the best jump. Hanna went up with them and had a great time. I was glad to see that she was not in any of the jumping pictures.